Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Propaganda and the Edgy Author

Today's stop on the ECFL Summer blog tour finds us knee-deep in 'edgy' at Dan Calabrese's blog. I've stopped by and added my two cents--why don't you head on over there and leave your own! Click on the beachy button to the right, go to the second line down for Wednesday, July 14th: Dan Calabrese.

I'm taking up time on a hotel computer since I'm out of town on business, so I'm not going to create a link right now, but the above instructions are easy enough! It's how I dropped by Dan's place this morning, so I have faith that you can do it to!

Finally, I caught Joyce Meyer on TV this morning in between using the painfully inefficient hotel hairdryer and eating my bagel and schlemiel. My favorite Joyce line today? "You don't have to be a fruitloop to be a Christian."

After you've visited Dan Calabrese, you can download a podcast of Joyce's message from today on "BALANCE" --- or---check out last week's great series on becoming a person of excellence and integrity.

Perhaps, instead, you could go read a book or something while I go off to stare at a computer screen while the trainer leads us through all kinds of fun, new knowledge.

Have a great Wednesday!


Charlotte said...

Shawna, Love your site!

Charlotte said...

Shawna, Love your site!